姓名:贾蕊 |
职称/职务:教授 |
电话:15991626796 |
传真: |
电子信箱:jiarui@snnu.edu.cn |
研究方向:神经生理学、行为生理学和动物行为学 |
办公地点:格物楼3423 |
贾蕊,女, 博士, 教授, 硕士生导师。1999-2003年、2003-2006年、2006-2009年在陕西师范老员工命科学学院学习获学士、硕士及博士学位,同年7月参加工作。2021年被聘为陕西师范老员工命科学学院教授。2013年至2015年在加拿大渥太华大学精神健康研究所转化神经科学研究室进行博士后研究工作。bevictor伟德官网教学名师、教学标兵,主持陕西省一流课程两门。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、青年项目1项,陕西省自然科学基础研究项目1项,中央高校基本科研业务费项目2项。
贾蕊著,2020. 社会应激的行为学效应及神经机制【M】.陕西人民教育出版社
1.Hou, WJ; Ma, H; Xun, YF; Zhang, Z; Cai, WQ; Huang, SY; He, ZX; Tai, FD*; Jia, R*. Sex-dependent effects of chronic social defeat on emotional and social behaviors, and parameters of oxytocin and vasopressin systemsin Mandarin Voles (Microtus mandarinus). Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021, 15: 625116.
2.Li, LF; Zhang, LZ ; He, ZX ; Ma, H ; Zhang, YT; Xun, YF ; Yuan, W; Hou, WJ; Li, YT; Lv, ZJ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD. Dorsal raphe nucleus to anterior cingulate cortex 5-Htergic neural circuit modulates consolation and sociability. eLife, 2021, 10: e67638.
3.Zhang, J; He, ZX; Qu, YS; Li, LF; Wang, LM; Yuan, W; Hou, WJ; Zhu, YQ; Cai, WQ; Zhang, XN; Guo, QQ; An, SC; Jia, R*; Tai, FD*. Different baseline physical activity predicts susceptibility and resilience to chronic social defeat stress in mice: Involvement of dopamine neurons. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2021, 45: 15-28.
4.Li, LF; Yuan, W ; He, ZX ; Ma, H ; Xun, YF ; Meng, LR ; Zhu, SJ ; Wang, LM ; Zhang, J; Cai, WQ ; Zhang, XN; Guo, QQ ; Lian, ZM ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD. Reduced Consolation Behaviors in Physically Stressed Mandarin Voles: Involvement of Oxytocin, Dopamine D2, and Serotonin 1A Receptors Within the Anterior Cingulate Cortex. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2020, 23: 511-523.
5.He, ZX; Young, L ; Ma, XM ; Guo, QQ ; Wang, LM ; Yang, Y ; Luo, L ; Yuan, W ; Li, LF; Zhang, J ; Hou, WJ ; Qiao, H; Jia, R; Tai, FD. Increased anxiety and decreased sociability induced by paternal deprivation involve the PVN-PrL OTergic pathway. eLife, 2019, 8: e44026.
6.Feng, T; An, SC; Kinden, R; Zhang, X; Jia; R *; Tai, FD *. Alternationinoxytocin levels induced by early social environment affects maternal behavior and estrogenreceptor alpha in mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus). Behavioural Brain Research, 2019,365: 36-47.
7.Yuan, W; He, ZX ; Hou, WJ ; Wang, LM ; Li, LF ; Zhang, J ; Yang, Y ; Jia, R ; Qiao, H ; Tai, FD . Role of oxytocin in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) in the modulation of paternal behavior in mandarin vole. Hromones and Behavior, 2019, 110: 46-55.
8.Wang, LM; Zhu, ZX ; Hou, WJ; Zhang, XN; He, ZX ; Yuan, W ; Yang, Y ; Zhang, SY ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD. Serotonin Signaling Trough Prelimbic 5-HT1A Receptors Modulates CSDS-Induced Behavioral Changes in Adult Female Voles. International Journal of Europsychopharmacology, 2019 22: 208-220.
9.Li, LF ; Yuan, W ; He, ZX ; Wang, LM ; Jing, XY ; Zhang, J ; Yang, Y Guo, QQ ; Zhang, XN ; Cai, WQ ; Hou, WJ ; Jia, R ; Tai, FD. Involvement of oxytocin and GABA in consolation behavior elicited by socially defeated individuals in mandarin voles. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2019, 103: 14-24.
10.Wang, B; Li, LF; He, ZX; Wang, LM; Zhang, SY; Qiao, H; Jia, R; Tai, FD. Effects of reproductive experience on paternal behavior, levels of testosterone, prolactin in serum and dendritic spines in medial prefrontal cortex of mandarin voles. Integrative Zoology, 2018, 13: 711-722.
11.Dong, N; Du, PR; Hao, X; He, ZX; Hou, WJ; Wang, LM; Yuan, W; Yang, JF; Jia, R*; Tai, FD*. Involvement of GABAA receptors inthe regulation of social preference and emotional behaviors by oxytocin in thecentral amygdala of female mandarin voles, Neuropeptides, 2017, 66: 8-17.
12.Yuan, W; Yang, XP; Yu, P; Jia, R*; Tai, FD*; Wei, B; Liu, X; Ma, LG. Different behavioral, neural and neuropeptides responses of fathers to their own and to alien pups in mandarin voles. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2017.
13.Rui Jia, Fa-Dao Tai, Shu-Cheng An, Xia Zhang. Neonatal paternal deprivation or early deprivation reduces adult parental behavior and central estrogen receptor α expression in mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus). Behavioural Brain Research, 2011, 224(2):279- 289.
14.Rui Jia, Fa-Dao Tai, Shu-Cheng An, Xia Zhang, Hugh Broders. Effects of neonatal paternal deprivation or early deprivation on anxiety and social behaviors of the adults in mandarin voles. Behavioural Processes, 2009, 82:271- 278.
15.Rui Jia, Fa-Dao Tai, Shu-Cheng An, Hugh Broders, Xiao-Li Ding, Que Kong, Lin Zhao, Huan Zhang. Effects of neonatal treatment on aggression and neural activities in mandarin voles. Physiology and Behavior, 2008, 95:56- 62.
16.Rui Jia, Fa-Dao Tai, Shu-Cheng An, Hugh Broders, Ru-Yong Sun. Neonatal manipulation of oxytocin influences the partner preference in mandarin voles. Neuropeptides, 2008, 42:525- 533.
17.Liu, X; Wu, RY; Tai, FD; Ma, LG; Wei, B; Yang, XP; Zhang, X; Jia, R. Effects of group housing on stress induced emotional and neuroendocrine alterations. Brain Research, 2013, 1502:71-80.
18.Wei, B; Tai, FD; Liu, X; Ma, LG; Yang, XP; Jia, R; Zhang, X. Neonatal tactile stimulation alleviates the negative effects of neonatal isolation on novel object recognition, sociability and neuroendocrine levels in male adult mandarin voles(Microtus mandarinus). Physiology and Behavior, 2013,112-113:14-22.
19.Zeng, SY; Tai, FD; Zhai, PY; Yuan, AF; Jia, R; Zhang, X. Effect of daidzein on anxiety, social behavior and spatial learning in male Balb/ cJ mice. Pharmacologh Biochemistry and Behavior, 2010, 96(1):16- 23.
20.贾蕊, 汪田甜. 合作行为的进化. 生物学通报, 2008, 43 (8):4- 7.
21.贾蕊, 邰发道. 社会行为发育的行为神经内分泌效应. 生理科学进展, 2005, 36 (4):375- 378.
22.沈忠福,贾蕊*. 催产素在社交焦虑症治疗中的作用. 现代生物医学进展,2012,12(30):5962-5964.