姓名:黄华腾 |
职称/职务:教授 |
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电子信箱:huanghuateng@snnu.edu.cn |
研究方向:系统进化方法以及生物多样性产生与维持机制 |
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2004年于中国科学技术大学获得学士学位,2012年于美国密西根大学获得生态与进化生物学博士学位,其后该校进行博士后研究。2017年进入bevictor伟德官网。目前已经以第一或者通讯作者身份在系统发育顶级期刊Systematic Biology等刊物发表论文多篇,文章总引用率目前约为592次,在系统发育学方法的研究领域取得了国际同行公认的结果应邀为多家国际SCI刊物审稿。
1. Huang, H. * and Knowles L.L. (2016) Unforeseen Consequences of Excluding Missing Data from Next-Generation Sequences: Simulation Study of RAD Sequences. Systematic Biology 65 (3): 357-365.
2. Huang, H. *and Rabosky, D.L. (2015) Sex-linked Genomic Variation and its Relationship to Avian Plumage Dichromatism and Sexual Selection. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:199 (DOI: 10.1186/s12862-015-0480-4)
3. Huang, H. * and Rabosky, D.L. (2014) Sexual selection and diversification: Reexamining the correlation between dichromatism and speciation rate in birds. American Naturalist 184(5): E101-14.
4. Huang, H. *, Tran, L., and Knowles L.L. (2014) Do Estimated and Actual Species Phylogenies Match?: Evaluation of African Cichlid Radiations using a Parametric Bootstrap Species Tree (PBST) Approach. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 78:56-65.
5. Huang, H., He, Q., Kubatko, L.S. and Knowles L.L*. (2010) Source of Error for Species-Tree Estimation: Impact of Mutational and Coalescent Effects on Accuracy and Implication for Choosing among Different Methods. Systematic Biology 59:573-583.
6. Huang, H. and Knowles L.L*. (2009) What’s the Biological Reality of the Anomaly Zone? Systematic Biology 58:527-536.