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发布日期:2015-07-07 作者: 来源:bv伟德国际体育 点击:










博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。1997-2001年于淮北师范大学获学士学位;2001-2004年于bevictor伟德官网获硕士学位;2004-2007年于bevictor伟德官网获博士学位。20162月至20172月在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of CaliforniaSan Diego)植物科学系做访问学者,合作导师Yunde Zhao教授。










1. 主持中央高校基本科研业务项目,基于CRISPR-Cas9技术的CEP小肽家族基因编辑及功能的研究,2019.1-2020.12GK201903067

2. 主持陕西省自然科学基金面上资助,伤信号活性氧在拟南芥插条中的产生、传导及作用机制研究,2016.1-2018.122016JM3003

3. 主持中央高校基本科研业务项目,伤信号活性氧参与调控拟南芥不定根形成机制研究,2015.1-2016.12GK201503047

4. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,黄瓜不定根起始和发育过程中过氧化氢的作用机制研究,2010.1-2013.1231000130

5. 主持陕西省自然科学基金面上资助,优质果蔬资源调查与繁育新技术研究/黄瓜不定根起始和发育过程中过氧化氢的作用机制研究,2009.1-2011.122009JM3001

6. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,UV-B辐射诱导拟南芥气孔关闭过程中UVR8信号通路成员和乙烯信号转导组分之间的相互关系的研究,2016.01-2019.1231570397

7. 参与教育部博士点基金,天然氨基酸精密调控Fischer卡宾类化合物的治疗性缓释一氧化碳,2013.01-2015.1220120202120005



1. Huang Ai-Xia, Wang Yong-Shun, Liu Yang-Yang, Wang Guo-Dong, She Xiao-Ping. Reactive oxygen species regulate auxin levels to mediate adventitious root induction in Arabidopsis hypocotyl cuttings. Journal of Integrative Plant BiologySCI一区), 2019, doi: 10.1111/jipb.12870

2. Hei Shumei, Liu Zhifeng, Huang Aixia, She Xiaoping. The regulator of G-protein signalling protein mediates D-glucose-induced stomatal closure via triggering hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide production in Arabidopsis. Functional Plant BiologySCI三区), 45(5), 509

3.Huang Ai-Xia, Wang Yong-Shun, She Xiao-Ping, Mu Juan, Zhao Jin-Liang. Copper amine oxidase-catalysed hydrogen peroxide involves production of nitric oxide in darkness-induced stomatal closure in broad bean. Functional Plant BiologySCI三区), 2015, 42, 10571067

4. Shi Chen-Yu , Qi Cheng, Ren Hong-Yan, Huang Ai-Xia, Hei Shu-Mei, She Xiao-Ping. Ethylene mediates brassinosteroid-induced stomatal closure via Ga protein-activated hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide production in Arabidopsis. The Plant JournalSCI二区), 2015, 82: 280301

5. Huang Ai-Xia, Xiao-Ping She, Zhang Yun-Ying, Zhao Jin-Liang. Cytosolic acidification precedes nitric oxide removal during inhibition of ABA-induced stomatal closure by fusicoccin. Russian Journal of Plant PhysiologySCI四区), 2013, 60: 6068

6. Huang Ai-Xia, Xiao-Ping She. Actin microlaments and vacuoles are downstream targets of H2O2 signalling pathways in hyperosmotic stress-induced stomatal closure. Functional Plant BiologySCI三区), 2011, 38, 303313

7. Huang Ai-Xia, Xiao-Ping She, Bao-Hua Cao and Yun Ren. Distribution of hydrogen peroxide during adventitious roots initiation and development in mung bean hypocotyls cuttings. Plant Growth RegulationSCI四区), 2011, 64: 109-118

8. She Xiao-Ping, Huang Ai-Xia, Ren Yun. Hydrogen peroxide generated by copper amine oxidase involved in adventitious root formation in mung bean hypocotyl cuttings. Australian Journal of BotanySCI四区), 2010, 58: 656662

9. She Xiao-Ping, Huang Ai-Xia, Li Jin, Han Xi-Zhu. Inhibition of dark-induced stomatal closure by fusicoccin involves a removal of hydrogen peroxide in guard cells of Vicia faba. Physiologia PlantarumSCI三区),2010, 140: 258268

10. She Xiao-Ping, Li Jin, Huang Ai-Xia, Han Xi-Zhu. Fusicoccin inhibits dark-induced stomatal closure by reducing nitric oxide in the guard cells of broad bean. Australian Journal of BotanySCI四区),2010, 58, 8188

11. Huang Ai-Xia, She Xiao-Ping, Bin Cao, Bei Zhang, Juan Mu and Shao-Jie Zhang. Nitric oxide, actin reorganization and vacuoles change are involved in PEG 6000 -induced stomatal closure in Vicia faba. Physiologia PlantarumSCI三区), 2009, 136: 45-56

12. Huang Ai-Xia, She Xiao-Ping, Huang Chen, Song Tu-Sheng. The dynamic distribution of NO and NADPH-diaphorase activity during IBA-induced adventitious root formation. Physiologia PlantarumSCI三区), 2007, 130: 240-249

13. She Xiao-Ping, Huang Ai-Xia. Change of nitric oxide and NADPH-diaphorase during the generation and the development of adventitious roots in mung bean hypocotyl cuttings. Acta Botanica SinicaSCI四区), 2004, 46(9): 1049-1055



1. 2015年,H2O2NO在暗和水力学信号诱导气孔关闭及不定根发生中的作用研究, 陕西省科学技术奖,贰等奖(第二完成人)